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Ayurvedic Herbs for the Respiratory System

Cinnamon (Twak)

Energetics: Pungent, Sweet & Astringent rasa, hot virya. Sweet vipaka. VK-P+   Indications: Colds, Cough, Sinus Congestion, Bronchitis.Commentary: Clears mucus and encourages the circulation of vata throughout the respiratory system. Used as a hot decoction, clears aam in fevers by promoting sweating. Cinnamon stimulates vyana vayu and pushes circulation to the joints. Its warm, dry and light qualities help to clear excess kapha and ama from the joints and respiratory tract. These effects can be of use in cardiac insufficiency with cold extremities, difficulty breathing, fluid accumulation in the lungs and bronchial tree and fatigue.

Licorice (Yashtimadhu)

Energetics: Sweet/Bitter, cooling. Sweet vipaka. VPK-/=, K+ in excess

Indications: Asthma; Emphysema, Chronic & Acute Bronchitis; Chronic Cough; Pharyngitis (hoarseness). Commentary: This tonic herb is cooling in its action and sweet in taste. It is particularly balancing to Vata and Pitta doshas. It is beneficial to all seven dhatus. Having a sattvic quality, it assists the body in creating ojas (the most subtle, refined level of manifest creation, which allows consciousness to flow in the physiology). Yashti Madhu has the unique prabhav of both increasing kapha while it also liquefies kapha and removes its adhesive quality.  Thus, one of Licorice’s primary roles is to act as an expectorant. It allows mucous to be loosened gently, making it useful in treating colds and influenzas. 

Garlic (Rashona)

Energetics:  Pungent/Sweet, heating. Pungent vipaka. VK-P+

Indications: Lung Congestion; Colds, Infections; Diminished immunity. Sluggish Liver; Candidiasis; Enteric Dysbiosis; Hyperlipidemia, Hypercholesterolemia; Blood pressure dysregulation due to vata and kapha (not pitta); Myalgia.   Commentary: Strongly decongestant. As a rejuvenative for vata it encourages the free flow of breath, specifically udana and pranavayu. Useful classic kapha symptoms; catarrh, heavy feeling, sluggishness, loss of appetite, shivering, aching limbs, myalgia. Garlic helps to expel the congestion and ama by inducing diaphoresis. Enhances immunity.

Black Pepper  (Marich)

Energetics: Pungent rasa, heating virya. Pungent vipaka. KV-P+

Indications:  Asthma, Cough, Sore throat; Phlegm congestion, Sinus congestion; Tobacco smoking withdrawal, Commentary: Very useful in asthma and sinus conditions. Piper nigrum (Marich) has been widely investigated for its anti-inflammatory properties and it has repeatedly been shown to possess significant anti-inflammatory activity. It is known to exhibit adaptogenic potential with possible immunostimulation.  Taken internally with honey, it is a powerful expectorant. Black pepper may be added as a condiment to many foods that are kapha-aggravating to diminish their negative impact on that dosha.  Reputedly possesses anti-carginogenc properties.

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